What information do I need to know to plan for a special event?


Selling or Serving Alcohol
     Outdoor Service Areas – From the Alcoholic Beverages Division Website: 
Designated outdoor service areas are extensions of the licensed premises. Outdoor service areas are not licensed separately. Licensees can sell or serve alcoholic beverages in an outdoor service area only if meeting licensing requirements.
     Applications for outdoor service areas must be submitted online through the eLAPS licensing system.
     The licensee's insurance carrier must certify that dramshop liability insurance covers the outdoor service area. A sketch of the outdoor service area showing boundaries and its relationship to the licensed premises (the area must be adjacent to the premises) must be submitted to, and approved by, the local authority."  The liquor license holder is also required to fence off the area to ensure public safety.

Street Closures
     Street Closure Form – needs to be filled out and returned with a map of the streets to be closed thirty (30) days before the event. 
     This form needs to be approved by the City Council.  Council meets 2nd Tuesday of every month and agenda items need to be added by noon on the Monday prior to the meeting.  Click here for the street closure form.
     The City and the Public Works Department provide the barricades for street closures. 
     All electrical cords, signage, tables or other items provided and set up by the event planner.

Sidewalk Closure/Blockage
     If you want to block or use a sidewalk for an event, this will need to be approved by City Council.  Council meets 2nd Tuesday of every month and agenda items need to be added by noon on the Monday prior to the meeting. 

Please call City Hall at 515-992-3725 with any questions or to have an item placed on a Council agenda.